The Best Foods for Weight Loss
So you want to know the best foods for weight loss…that’s probably why you clicked on this article, right?
Honestly, I dislike the word ‘superfood’ because it’s such a buzzword that makes it seem like certain foods are able to cure cancer or turn you into Superman (or Superwoman).
Okay…getting off track…
So firstly, I’ll admit, this title is a bit clickbait-y. The truth is, there is no real ‘superfood’ for weight loss. Okay wait, don’t leave yet. Keep on reading, I promise this article is still worth reading. I didn’t tell you that because I’m a pathological liar. I just want you to know that if you read about any ‘fat burning superfood’ anywhere, stop. There is no such thing as a fat burning superfood.
The only way to lose fat is by being in a calorie deficit. Got it? Good.
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s dive into the meat and potatoes (literally because these are actually part of the list!):
1. High Protein Foods
First on the list are high protein foods. Why is this?

Simply put, protein is the most filling macronutrient (have you ever tried to eat a bunch of chicken breasts?). As you can see from the image above, protein has so many extra bonds with nitrogen so it requires much more energy to breakdown versus carbohydrates and fats. Because it requires more energy to breakdown, the process will be slower which in turn means that protein will take longer to digest and keep you fuller longer.

The higher energy requirement also contributes to the thermic effect food. As you can see in the graphic above, protein has the highest thermic effect of food out of all three macronutrients. This means that more of the calories that you eat from protein will be burned just simply trying to digest it!
Depending on your current body composition, you should eat anywhere from 0.8 to 1.0g of protein per pound of body weight. If you have more body fat to lose, then stick to the lower end and if you’re leaner then stick to the higher end of the range. This is because the more body fat you have, the more spare energy you have stored versus if you were leaner you’d have less fat stores to tap into.
If you find that you struggle hit your protein intake, don’t stress too much about the hitting the numbers above exactly. Start by incorporating 30-40g of protein per meal. Protein powder, although unnecessary for muscle building and weight loss, can be a good supplement to help you get a quick 20-30g of protein per serving. As long as you have a decent portion of protein per meal, it will help keep you full which makes staying in a calorie deficit much easier.
Although many foods contain protein, you do want to keep your protein sources on the leaner side to lower the calorie density. These includes foods such as:
- Chicken breast
- Lean ground turkey
- Lean ground beef
- Salmon (can be more on the fatty side)
- Shrimp
- Tuna
- White fishes
- Greek yogurt (low-fat or fat free)
- Cottage cheese (low-fat or fat free)
- Egg whites
- Protein powders/bars
- Tofu
- Tempeh
- Lentils
2. High Fiber Foods
Next up on the list are going to be high fiber foods. You’ve probably heard time and time again “to get more fiber in your diet.” What exactly does “more” mean and why?
There are many benefits to eating a high fiber diet including:
- Lower cholesterol
- Controlling blood sugar levels
- Reduced risk of heart disease
- Increased satiety
- Better poops
As you can see, fiber is good for both weight loss and overall health. Fibrous foods typically have a low calorie density meaning these foods contain little calories for the volume of food they provide. This helps keep you full since you can eat much more food while also maintaining a calorie deficit. Be sure to include more high fiber foods such as:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Whole grains
- Fiber supplemented foods (FiberOne foods, fiber breakfast cereals, etc.)
- Beans and legumes
- Popcorn (stick 94% fat-free or air-popped to keep calories low)
Fiber as a nutrient, also slows down the rate of digestion which will keep you fuller longer which means you’ll likely eat less throughout the day. This can help you stay in a calorie deficit equating to weight loss a little less sucky. This is why it’s stereotypical of parents to tell you to eat your veggies! It’s not only good for your overall health, but also helps keep you full and curbs hunger to reduce your likelihood to overeat junk food.
3. Water-Rich Foods
Another great type of food for weight loss are water-rich foods. Have you ever chugged a few glasses of water and felt super full after? Now imagine eating foods with lots of water. Combine all that water with fiber and all that other food-y goodness. You’d be full until next Christmas! (Okay, well not exactly, but you know what I mean)
Also, many foods that contain lots of water are typically fruits and vegetables which also contain lots of fiber! This means lots of fullness without the tons of calories to go with it! Eating foods with plenty of water will also help keep you hydrated without drinking lots of water. So next time you’re at the grocery store, make sure to stock up on plenty of watery foods such as:
- Watermelon
- Berries
- Leafy greens
- Other vegetables (cucumbers, celery, zucchini, carrots, etc.)
4. High Satiety Foods
High satiety foods include all of the other foods mentioned above, but also some honorable mentions. When people talk about satiation, many people miss carbs because, well, people mainly think of the wrong types of carbs. The typical carbs you think of include bread, rice, pasta, pastries, and sugary foods. All of which are not filling. However, there are a few carb sources that are the perfect combination of filling and low calorie! My favorites include potatoes, popcorn, and oats. All of which are extremely good sources of carbs and filling to suppress hunger and appetite.
5. High Volume Foods
Another thing to think about are high volume foods. Another term is low calorie dense. These are foods that contain little calories for the amount of food you get. Some examples include many of the ones listed above: vegetables, fruits, popcorn, egg whites, diet/low calorie versions of certain foods, sauces, condiments, etc. By eating high volume foods, you are able to fill your stomach, feel fuller, and suppress while also making a calorie deficit easier so losing weight can be more enjoyable and less sucky.
6. Foods You Love
“Wait, Austin…are you saying I can eat donuts and ice cream all day and lose weight?” No…that is not what I mean. What I’m saying is that you are allowed to have the foods you love from time to time. Like I say time and time again, the best diet is the one that you can stick to forever. By throwing in some of your favorite foods from time to time, you’re more likely to enjoy your diet which means you’ll stick to it. And the longer you stick to it, the more likely you’ll not only lose the weight, but keep it off! From personal experience and also working with clients, the more you are able to enjoy the foods you love, the less the diet will feel restrictive. And the less restrictive a diet feels, the less likely you’re going to binge. Think about it, are you going to binge on donuts on the weekend if you got to eat one every other day? Most likely not. And even if you do binge, it’s okay. It happens from time to time, but it doesn’t mean you f*cked up. Just get back on track and keep grinding.
If you are struggling with binge eating, I suggest reading one of my other articles on “How to Recover After A Binge/Cheat Meal“.
Here’s a more in-depth video on “The Best Foods for Weight Loss” if you prefer to watch me talk 🙂
Final Thoughts On The Best Foods For Weight Loss
I hope that after reading this article, you finally understand the not-so-secret to weight loss. It’s eating low calorie foods that fill you up. By eating low calorie foods that fill you up, you’ll feel too full to stuff yourself with other junk. Not saying that you shouldn’t have your favorite junk from time to time. In fact, you should for overall diet adherence and enjoyment. If you find that you ever crave something, just have it and move on. The more you restrict, the more you’ll crave. And the more you crave, the more you’ll cave. The result will be a bigger and bigger binge the longer you tell yourself no and hold off.
And the biggest thing to keep in mind is that if you ever fall off the wagon and screw up, just know that you can’t f*ck this up. You are always one day away from getting back on track. As long as you get back up, dust yourself, get back on track, and keep moving forward, you can and will reach your goal. You owe it to yourself to become the best version of you.
Hope this helps you finally reach the goals you’ve been thinking about for so long!
Until next time,
Coaching Opportunity
I am currently taking on new clients for online coaching.
A few benefits of this program include:
- Customized nutrition plan tailored to your individual needs and goals
- Customized training plan to help you build muscle, lose fat, and get fit
- Daily accountability and support to ensure that you never feel “alone” or “stuck” on your journey to bettering yourself.
The best part: you can do this from anywhere in the world.
You can apply here for more info.