My Story

Hi there! I’m Austin! Nice to meet you!

Here’s my personal 5 year transformation…

To be completely honest with you…I’ve always considered myself average. On the left, 18-year-old me was lacking in the self-confidence department, struggling to build muscle and lose fat, and was completely lost in the world of health and fitness. On the right, 23-year-old me is confident, able to build muscle and lose fat with ease, and best of all, enjoy life while achieving my goals. I remember first picking up a barbell at the age of 13. I had no real goals other than to “lift to look good for the girls.” I followed your typical “gym bro” workout and benched every day and skipped legs. As you probably guessed none of that worked and got me the results I wanted. I decided there had to be a way to get the results I wanted while also not living in the gym. And along the way, I learned to love the process, not because of the end results of being able to lift a certain number or look a certain way but being able to set goal after goal and crushing them.

However, it wasn’t smooth sailing. I was still sifting through a lot of myths and BS in the fitness industry. I spent the first five years spinning my wheels believing all the BS and myths of the fitness industry. I would repeatedly starve and force-feed myself thinking the only ways to put on muscle were to do these endless “bulk and cut” cycles. I’ve also tried so many fad diets including intermittent fasting, low fat, low carb, and the list goes on. I’ve made so many mistakes but I don’t regret any of it because I believe mistakes are a part of life and make you a better person. Without those mistakes, I would have never discovered the best version of myself today. Through all that, I can finally say that I am living a balanced lifestyle being able to achieve my health and fitness goals while also enjoying life.

Does this sound anything similar to your journey? I want to give you a headstart and skip all the mistakes I made by giving the tools you need to reach your goals. You deserve to become the best version of yourself as soon as possible without wasting any more time and money.

Ready to start your journey?